Thursday, April 14, 2011

Disorders of the Scalp...Part 1

Just as the skin is continually being shed and replaced, the uppermost layer of the scalp is being cast off all the time. Ordinarily these horney scales are loose and fall off freely. The natural shedding of these horney scales should not be mistaken for dandruff.


Dandruff... Dandruff consists of small while scales that usually appear on the scalp and hair. It is also known by the medical terminally Pityarasis. Long neglected dandruff may lead to baldness.

A direct cause of dandruff is the excessive shedding of the epithelial cells. Instead of growing to the surface and falling off, the horny scales accumulate on the scalp.

Indirect or associated cause of dandruff is a sluggish condition of the scalp, occasioned by poor circulation, infection, injury, lack of nerve stimulation, improper diet, and uncleanliness. Contributing causes are the use of strong shampoos and insufficient rinses of the hair after every shampoo.

Two types of Dandruff

1. Pitriasis capatis simplex- Dry dandruff type.

2. Pityriasis steatides- Greasy or waxy dandruff type.


Alopecia is the technical term for any abnormal loss of hair.

The natural falling out of hair should not be confused with alopecia. When hair has grown to its natural length it comes out on its own and then it is replaced by new hair. The natural shedding of hair occurs most often in the Spring and in the Fall.

Aleopecia Prematurea: Is a form of baldness, beginning anytime before middle age with a slow thinning process. This condition is caused by the first hairs falling out and being replaced by new ones.

Alopecia Senills- Is the form of baldness occurring in old age. This loss of hair is permanent.

Alopecia Areata- Is the sudden falling out of hair in round pataches or in spots. It is often caused by anemia, scarlet fever, thyroid fever or syphilis.


Tinea- This is the medical term for ringworm. Ringworm is caused by vegetable parasite. All forms are contagious and it is transmitted from one person to another. This disease is commonly carried by scales or hair containing fungi. Shower baths, swimming pools, unsanitized articles also are sources of transmission.

Ringworm starts with a small reddened patch of little blisters. Several such patches may be present. Any ringworm condition should be referred to a medical doctor.

There are 2 types of Ringworm:

1. Tinea Capitis- (Ringworm of the scalp). This is a contagious, vegetable parasite disease of the scalp, characterized by red papular or spots at the opening of the hair follicles
2. Tinea Favosa- Also called favus or honeycomb ringworm. It is am infection caused by growth causing vegetable parasite. It is characterized by dry, sulfur-yellow cup like crust on the scalp. Scars from favus are bald patches that may be pink or white and shinny. It is very contagious and should be seen by a medical doctor.

Scabies...It is very itchy and it is a highly contagious animal parasitic skin disease caused by the itch mite. Vesicules and pustules may form from the irritation of the parasite or by scratching the infected area. a contagious condition caused by the head louse (animal Parasite). As the parasite feeds on the scalp, itching occurs and the results of scratching may cause an infection. This is highly transmitted from one person to another by contact, sharing hair brushes, hats, and personal hair items. This problem can be cleared up by washing the hair at least 4 to 5 days in a row or until the scalp and hair is clear of nits and lice. Larkpur Tincture shampoo can be found in any drug store. All diseases should only be treated by a medical physician. Salons should never treat these diseases.

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