Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dandruff...Causes & Treatment

Throughout my 34 years of studying and working with many types of hair, I have learned very well the disorders and diseases that affect the human hair. I have learned that hair diseases are not to be treated in a hair salon and only a few hair disorders can be treated by a hair stylist.

Today I will be talking about Dandruff, its affects and its treatment.

Dandruff consists of small white scales that usually appear on the scalp and hair. It is also known by the medical term of "Pityriasis."

A direct cause of dandruff is the excessive shedding of the epithelial cell. Instead of growing to the surface and falling off, the horny scales accumulate on the scalp.

Indirect or associated causes of dandruff are a sluggish condition of the scalp occasioned condition by poor circulation, infections, injury, lack of nerve stimulation, improper diet, and uncleanliness. Contributing causes are the use of strong shampoos and insufficient rinsing of the hair after a shampoo and long neglected, excessive dandruff can lead to baldness.

The two principle types of dandruff:

1. Pityriasis Capitis Simplex (dry dandruff)

This type is characterized by an itchy scalp and small white scales, which are usually attached in masses to the scalp, or scattered loosely in the hair. Occasionally, they are so profuse that they fall to the shoulders. Dry dandruff is often the results of a sluggish scalp caused by poor circulation, lack of nerve stimulation, improper diet, emotional and glandular disturbance, or uncleanliness.

Treatment for this type of dandruff:

Frequent scalp treatments, use of mild shampoos, regular scalp massages, daily use of anti-septic scalp lotions, and applications of scalp ointments may help correct this condition.

2. Pityriasis Steatoides (greasy or waxy type of dandruff):

This type of dandruff is a scaly condition of the epidermis. The scales become mixed with sebum, causing them to stick to the scalp in patches. The associated itchiness causes the person to scratch the scalp. If the greasy scales are torn off, bleeding or oozing of sebum may follow. Medical treatment is advised.


The nature of dandruff is not clearly defined by medical authorities. It is generally believed to be infectious origin. Some authorities hold that it is due to a specific microbe. However, from the cosmetologist's point of view, both forms of dandruff are to be considered contagious and may be spread by use of common brushes, combs, and other hair articles. Therefore, the cosmetologist must take the necessary precautions to sanitize everything that comes into contact with a client.

Next week Alopecia and some contagious disorders of the scalp.

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